Hi there, I am Deborah Dickinson
From my personal life experiences, I know that as we move through stages of life we are building up a suit of armour and belief systems that no longer serve us. It’s like reaching the top of the mountain only to see you’re on the wrong mountain. Deliberately living YOU is how I help others move their belief systems onto the right mountain (your purpose, your passion) without going back down through the valley to start the climb again. If I had known in those toughest moments of feeling numb, overcrowded, frustrated and overwhelmed that it was possible to move beyond these quickly I would have reached where I am today much earlier. Helping female corporate leaders balance work, motherhood or life in general, working 1:1 towards taking back control by deliberately living YOU.
Nature, Beauty and Freedom…
I am from New Zealand and I am of Maori Descent, Te Taangata whenua Aotearoa (the indigenous people of New Zealand). I was brought up in (Kaeo) a small country town near the top of the North Island. I was surrounded by nature, beauty and freedom. I was fortunate to be nurtured by my grandparents and my great grandmother therefore I was draped in the wairua of my tupuna’s (the spirits of my ancestors). I absolutely loved my childhood. I was free natured little girl living in my feminine core.
The Feminine Warrior
But one day, what started out to be just like every other day changed dramatically, all the freedom and beauty was gone there was now only fear, darkness and insecurity. My mother was taken from our family in a fatal accident, I was 11 and my sister had not long turned 1yr old. My dear father coming to the only conclusion he thought was right at the time met our stepmother to be, and life got even harder. What followed were years of of chaos and uncertainty. I protected myself the only way I knew how, by shielding the feminine little girl and creating the warrior exterior (Later in life I would learn how this was an ongoing loop of sabotage of my identity. “The Feminine Warrior”). The ripple effect this created is evident in my teenage years;
- 15 I ran away from home
- 16 I was pregnant
- 17 I was married
- 19 we were separated
- 21 I moved to Sydney Australia with my partner at the time and his family
New Beginning…
Moving to Australia was a chance for a new beginning, in some ways it did provide this however on reflection not much had really changed. I was repeating the same patterns, letting my limiting beliefs strangle the hope I had for growth.
Factory Floor to General Manager…
In my late twenties things did start to finally change, I started a job that would take me from the factory floor to General Manager, I had found something that I could be successful at but this also came at a price, I didn’t realise the sacrifices I was making for myself or forcing on my family. In my mind being offered the position of General Manager was a symbol of success.
Change is as Good as a Holiday…
I had made it, the last 2 decades was now all worth it, so it was time to pack up and move interstate to start living my dream, it took some time to realise this wasn’t my dream at all. Within 18months of moving the business was sold by the owners. This triggered a flow of thoughts, conversations in my head, was I really good at what I do, what would I do now, I have only done this, am I good enough. I took time off and as they say, a change is as good as a holiday, so I started with a new company to find validation in my abilities. It didn’t offer me fulfilment and I would eventually change jobs another three times, the thoughts and conversations kept getting louder and louder with each move I made.
Deliberately Living YOU.
My life was falling to pieces, the only stability in my life was (and still is) my very supportive and loving husband. So, when I went to him and said I wanted to attend a 7-day full immersion course to breakthrough all my limiting beliefs, all he asked me was, “is this what you really want?”. That was the biggest and most impactful life changing decision I had ever made ( I would go on to complete several more training courses to become a certified practitioner and coach). I learnt to give myself permission to embrace who I was and elevate my standards consistently to emerge being the creator of my reality, aligned to my desires. (Yes, climbing my mountain). Deliberately Living YOU is where you connect with what you truly want out of life.
My Personal Mission
My mission in life is to build a foundation to help school children in regional areas of New Zealand and Australia to have the same opportunities regardless of being disadvantaged by financial restrictions. I want every child to discover their talents and dreams.